Which silage additive is right for me?
Silaging time is upon us again!
Now its time to start thinking of which silage additive you should be using for your silage to get the most from it. Here at Harpers we supply the Magniva range of inoculants. They provide a specific range of bacteria and enzymes to help you get the most from your silage.
We have a range of three products specifically designed for different dry matter (DM) contents. All three provide faster, more efficient initial fermentation and increased aerobic stability to allow your clamp to be opened earlier than using other inoculants. Once opened you will have more available to use due to lower DM losses. Also, when feeding to your stock you will find there is an increased fibre digestion.
For those of you with dry silages with DM contents in excess of 30% we recommend you use Magniva Platinum Dry. This product is designed to reduce yeast and mould contamination which is common in dryer silages.
Up to 26% DM content you can use Magniva Classic. When using this product, you will have a higher true protein retention.
When dealing with wet or hard to ensile crops such as clover, Lucerne and other legumes you will have the best outcomes when you use Magniva Platinum Wet. This product gives you all of the benefits of Magniva inoculants.
For further advice please talk to a member of our team on 01409 259 600.