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Galvanised Water Trough – Livestock Trough
Creep Feeder Wheel 275x90mm – 25mm centre
Shoof Calf Teat Big Softy
Creep Feeder Wheel 275x90mm – 20mm centre
Fisher Alvin Drinking Bowl A102 – 2.5L
JFC Micro Drink Bowl Valve 4L
Bateman Loose Service Box
ProMech Bucket Ring
JFC Conventional Drink Bowl 16L / 3.5gal
Stallion SC1 Smart Teat Feeder 6L
Bateman Tombstone Cattle Feeder
JFC Push Nose Drinker
Fisher Alvin Drinking Bowl A105 – 14L
JFC Gate Feed Trough
Paxton AT1 450G Circular Water Trough
Hayfeeder Basket
Bateman Sheep/Pig Feed Trough
Calf Tuff Bucket 1 1/4gallon
Wydale Pellet Feeder
JFC Corner Drink Bowl 22L / 5Gal
Wydale Calf Milk Feeder
Wydale Mini Pellet Feeder
Bateman Sheep Ring Feeder
Fisher Alvin Drinking Bowl A75 – 3L – Galvanised Steel
Creva Wall Mounted Hay Feeder
Calf Feeding Bucket 5l Blue
Calfeteria Calf Peach Teat
Bateman Rigid Lamb Creep Shelter
Bateman Standard Cattle Ring Feeder
Milk Bar 10 Calf Feeder c/w Ezi-Lock Hooks
Bateman Yearling Cattle Ring Feeder
Wydale Mini Rainproof Pellet Feeder